If you are serious about becoming a Property Manager, then you need serious help — that starts with learning the driving factors of the business correctly and quickly. Property Management Tools can help!

We know you’re strapped for time and want everything laid out in a simplified way. With Property Management Tool, you can start your improving your career today. Property Management Tools offers bite size courses at low prices so that you can start improving your career at your pace. But there are also packages to help save even more money.
If you need minimal support and know most of the ins and outs of the apartment industry but want to drive property performance by learning to control the property, then the Silver Package may be a great place to start. If you need moderate assistance and want to learn the financials and drive property performance, then the Gold Package could be the best choice for you. But if you need want to learn how to be a Super Star Property Manager then the Platinum Package is what you should opt for.
The Property Management Tools Platinum Package covers nearly everything you’ll need to learn what Property Management is, what Investors look for, what Senior Management looks for, what the residents look, what the vendors look for and how to make each one of them happy. If you are an Investor and want to take immediate control of your property and see instant results then read on to learn more about why this package is a great option.
The Platinum Package starts at a low cost of $80, which includes courses on Leadership, Onsite, Income, Expenses, Financials, Team and Marketing.
So what exactly comes with the Platinum Package? See below for all the courses you will receive. All courses include an easy to follow video, downloadable PDF and a downloadable MP3 if you prefer to learn while you’re mobile.
Welcome To Property ManagementEthicsFair Housing, It’s The Law80/20 RuleAttitudeLeading Strong TeamsCreate The Right ImpressionLeadership StylesUnderstanding Key Performance IndicatorsUnderstanding Net Operating IncomeLeasing And The BudgetManaging ExpensesDominate The CompetitionImproving Property ValueGrowing The IncomeSecrets To Being A Top PerformerSpreadsheet - Managing The BudgetSpreadsheet - Improve Property Value.
We understand that being a Property Manager or wanting to become a Property Manager can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to help you get things done quickly and efficiently with our cost-saving packages.
Need more information to make the decision on PMT’s Platinum Package? Well, here are five reasons to start improving yourself with confidence:
Be A Better Leader
Improve Your Standing In The Company
Be More Confident In Your Decision Making
Make More Money
Have A Better Life