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The Best Way To See The Grand Canyon From Above

I was in Las Vegas and wanted to see the Grand Canyon so looking at the prices to get to the Grand Canyon, it was an easy decision for me. The bus trip lasted 10 hours for $200 and a helicopter ride was 4 hours and $300. This was perfect because I could see the Grand Canyon and still have time for Las Vegas.

There was a narrated helicopter flight over Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam on our way to the Grand Canyon. Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border of Nevada and Arizona.

The pilot then descend 4,000 feet to the Canyon floor where we had champagne and a picnic lunch waiting. We has 30 minutes to explore the magnificence of the Grand Canyon and it was amazing!

The Grand Canyon is a breathtaking, gorge that is 1-mile deep carved by the Colorado River. Long considered one of the natural wonders of the world with it's vast and magnificent beautiful, the Grand Canyon is easily Arizona’s most distinguishable landmark.

Stretching 277 miles from end to end, steep, rocky walls descend to the canyon’s floor, where the wild Colorado River traces a swift course southwest. We landed inside the Grand Canyon and was able to walk around and be in awe of the simple grace and power of this planet.

Explore the quirky adventures and misadventures as I take you on a journey of the United States National Parks. These journeys inspired me to explore even more about the history of the United States, the good, the bad and the ugly. These journeys are encouragements to explore, or re-examine these beautiful lands. From mountain roads with hairpin turns to stunning seaside escapes to exploring good old American history, these areamazing journeys to take in this lifetime.

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