Wow! One month has already flown by in 2018! I woke up this morning to see the blood moon and it was freezing cold out but glad that I got to experience it. I came back into our New Jersey hotel thinking that January went by so fast! There was so much that I wanted to do, but rather than getting overwhelmed by all the things I had to do, I brought myself into the present moment. I adjusted my attitude and had some carrots and my green kombucha for breakfast. I wanted this day to be about possibilities to make 2018 the best year ever. The rest of the day, I did things to make my day great and I made a list of things will help me stay focused and complete my goals. 1. I will be present. Instead of having my mind on everything that needs to be done, I will bring myself back to the now, in the moment, focusing on where I am, what I'm doing and who I'm with. I realize that I can't change things that have already happened, and obsessing over them does nothing to help me. I can't predict the future, so worrying about it does nothing to help either. Instead I will focus on now and be in the moment, and live as if now is all there is. 2. I will focus on getting one important thing done that will have a huge impact on 2018. I will work on completing a step towards one of my major goals in 2018. I will be one step closer to reaching my goals and that will make me feel great!! I will make a list of the jobs that need to be completed today so I can stay organized and focused but I will make sure to take an action step toward my future goals in 2018. 3. I will plan for the life that I want. I will focus on what will make me happy. I will pick a couple of important things in my life and build my ideal life around those things. Then I'll plan and schedule the first few steps I need to get there and start working on it today. It feels amazing to take action on making my life the way I want it to be. 4. I will look for ways that I can downsize. Even though we travel and have downsized many times, de-cluttering has a wonderful effect on my mood and happiness level. I know it gives my day a boost knowing I have more freedom because I have less stuff to occupy my space. 5. I really enjoy going for a walk. That movement and the fresh air always has a great effect on my mood. I absorb the beauty of the nature around me as I walk and this helps clear my head when I have writers block or just need a break. I like to focus on how lucky I am to be alive and what a wonderful life that I have.
I will practice these daily and here's to making 2018 the best year ever!
methods to make 2018 the best year ever.