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Law of Attraction Explained

What is the law of attraction and how does it work?

To put it simply, what happens in our lives is a direct reflective of our thoughts and beliefs. Therefore, the law of attraction is working in your life whether you're aware of it or not.  Our thoughts and feelings send out a vibration, and energy matches our vibration by giving us more of the same energy. The law of attraction can best be explained as universal energy which obeys the science of physics based on these three principles:

1) Everything is energy 2) Energy follows what we think  3) What you focus on you get more of, bad or good.  We attract what we think about, bad or good, so here are some examples of the law of attraction.

You say "I feel fat" your brain is going to start packing on the pounds because you think and feel that you are fat. Your brain doesn't know the difference. I have experienced this myself with working out and eating good, my body weight stayed the same. It was very frustrating but I was able to change this by repeating daily that "I'm thin and healthy". I am now thinner, very healthy and I feel great. This is the same with any negative emotion. If you want change to occur start focusing on the positive.

So you see, if you want to lose weigh you say "I am healthy" even if you are not. Your brain doesn't know the difference so if you keep repeating this, feel it and visualize it, you will become healthy. Your brain will automatically want healthy food and exercise. If you want a new car, visualize yourself driving the exact car you want and say "I love driving my new car". It sounds too good to be true but it works.

Some great affirmations for the law of attraction are:

I create my own life

I love my life

I have energy 

I am healthy

I am brilliant

I forgive those who have hurt me

I am at peace

I am talented

I am compassionate

I am happy

I am loved

I am abundant

Does the law of attraction really exist? The answer is yes and the scientific community has proved it. 

Mirror neurons were discovered over twenty years ago. A mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when someone acts and when someone observes the same action performed by another. Therefor, the neuron "mirrors" the behavior of the other, as though the person were doing the action. The original study was on primates but further test found that in humans, mirror neurons activity is in the premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area, the primary somatosensory cortex and the inferior parietal cortex. So you see, if you feel happy or frustrated and you put that out, you create a similar emotion in others. The law of attraction says we get back what we put out and this is through the mirror neurons in our brain.

Visualization plays a crucial role in in the law of attraction. Our brain understands words, but the brain identifies better with images! A scientific study compared people who performed physical muscle contractions with those who performed virtual contractions using their brain and visualizing getting stronger. The conclusion was that there was a 30% muscle increase in the physical group and those who conducted mental exercises with no physical activity had a 13.5% muscle increase. Focus and visualize specifically what you want and it will happen.

Inhereited belief was discovered by researchers and they found that traumatic experience in mice was passed to their offspring through inheritance. Researchers trained mice to become afraid of an odor by pairing exposure to the odor with a mild electric shock. They then measured how much the animal startled in response to the loud noise and the odor. Surprisingly, they found that the adult offspring of the sensitized mice also startled more in response to the particular odor that one parent had learned to fear. This explains why we may have beliefs that are holding us back but we have the power to overcome these inherited beliefs by practicing positive affirmations and using the law of attraction to change our lives. Dream BIG! 

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