I have an Aunt that survived the Holocaust. After her father was forced to join the Nazi army because he was already in the military and her mother was murdered, the neighbors took her and her five siblins in and had to hide them. She said that she was so afraid because they were sending children to the killing centers. The neighbors finally arranged for the the children to go across the border into France. She was seperated from her siblings but over the years they found each other again. She has terrible stories of how everything just changed for her and her family as the Nazi's came into power.

I just could not stop crying as I was walking through the Holocaust museum. There was so much tragedy, hatred and death in that museum. We still see this happening today throughout the world and we have to always ask why something is happening so we can prevent genocide from happening again. It happened when the Indians were killed all along the America's as the Europeans took over and it happened in Germany as the Nazi's took power. Never stop asking why!